
Check which Polish universities are the most popular among our students.

WSB Merito in Poznań

Specific information

City: Poznań
Year of establishment: 1994
Status: Private
Main specializations: Management, Business Engineering, Computer Science, International Trade.

WSB universities are over 30 years old! Their story began in 1994 with the launch of the first courses in finance and banking. From that moment on, they have continually developed and improved their offerings. Today, WSB boasts numerous awards, prestigious certificates, and medals that distinguish them from many private universities across the country.
WSB universities are located in 11 cities in Poland, offering 130 fields of study, and the number of students exceeds 400,000. WSB universities are intensively developing their market position and shaping their offerings to meet the requirements of employers. According to a report by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, WSB universities are the most popular among students choosing private universities for part-time studies. WSB is the largest educational holding in Poland.

The university makes every effort to provide students with the opportunity to:
• Combine knowledge from various fields and apply it at work.
• Choose an area in which they will learn to translate knowledge into practice, such as running their own business.
• Attend meetings with experts – the university places special emphasis on networking and the exchange of experiences between students and lecturers.
• Engage with business representatives (e.g., companies from Masovia) – their lectures will provide students with industry know-how and interesting case studies.
• Find a job with the support of the Internship Office and participate in internships in Poland.
• Develop skills in career planning, interpersonal communication, data identification and analysis, project coordination, and critical and creative thinking.

Bachelor’s degree programmes:
• Management
• International Trade

Engineer’s degree programmes:
• Computer Science
• Business Engineering

Price range: from 2200 € to 3250 € per year.

Collegium da Vinci in Poznań

Specific information

Status: Private
City: Poznań
Year of establishment: 1996
Main specializations: Information Technology, Creative Management

Collegium Da Vinci (CDV) in Poznań is one of the leading private universities in Poland, founded in 1996. Initially known as the College of Humanities and Journalism (WSNHiD), it changed its name to Collegium Da Vinci in 2014 to better reflect a modern approach to education and respond to the needs of the labor market.
CDV places a strong emphasis on a student-centered education model, inspired by the principles of Leonardo da Vinci, who emphasized the importance of curiosity and creativity. The university allows students to individually shape their educational paths, combining compulsory modules with interdisciplinary subjects that suit their interests and professional goals. Cooperation with employers enables CDV to create programs aligned with global economic trends.
Collegium Da Vinci offers a wide range of bachelor’s, master’s, and postgraduate studies in areas such as creative management, computer science, and visual communication. The university has state-of-the-art facilities, including advanced computer laboratories and multimedia studios, which facilitate the acquisition of practical skills.

Bachelor’s degree programmes:
• Creative Management

Engineer’s degree programmes:
• Information Technology

Price range: from 3200 € to 3540 € per year.

Poznan University of Technology

Specific information

Status: Public
City: Poznań
Year of establishment: 1919
University profile: technical

Poznań University of Technology was founded in 1919 and has since gained recognition both in Poland and abroad. The university offers studies in many technical fields, such as computer science, electronics, mechanics, architecture, and chemistry. Additionally, it conducts numerous research projects and cooperates with companies and scientific institutions around the world. Poznań University of Technology also actively participates in international student exchange programs, enabling its students to gain valuable experience and personal development.

Bachelor’s degree programmes:
• Architecture
• Automatic Control and Robotics
• Electronics and Telecommunications
• Engineering Management
• Program in Chemical Technology
• Sustainable Building Engineering
• Artificial Intelligence
• Biomedical Engineering

Engineer’s degree programmes:
• Information Technology

Price range: from 3200 € to 3540 € per year.

WSB Merito in Warsaw

Specific information

City: Warsaw
Year of establishment: 2018
Status: Private
Main specializations: Computer Science, Management, Tourism and Hospitality, Economics.

WSB universities are located in 11 cities in Poland, offering 130 fields of study, and have a student population exceeding 400,000. WSB universities are intensively developing their market position and shaping their offerings to meet the requirements of employers in the capital.
The WSB University in Warsaw is characterized by a practical study profile and cooperation with private entrepreneurs. Thanks to this, students can benefit from the experience of university partners during their studies, as well as participate in internships, study visits to companies, and trips abroad.

Bachelor’s degree programmes:
• Management
• Tourism and Hospitality Management

Engineer’s degree programmes:
• Computer Science

Master’s degree programmes:
• Economics
• Management

Price range: from 2200 € to 3250 € per year.

University of Economics and Human Science

Specific information

Status: Private
City: Warsaw
Year of establishment: 2001
University profile: Humanities

The University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw (hereinafter UEHS) offers education in the humanities, economics, and law. In accordance with its specialization, the university educates students in various fields (specialties). UEHS guarantees a high level of education through the use of modern and proven scientific teaching methods and the application of the best international educational practices. The university’s goal is to create qualified specialists, and active, proactive individuals who can consciously build their own professional careers.

Bachelor’s degree programmes:
• Finance and Accounting
• English Philology
• Animal Behavior and Psychology
• Arts of Politics
• Chillout Studies
• Cognitive Science
• Correctional Rehabilitation
• Cosmetology
• Criminology and Forensic Science
• Energy Studies
• Cybersecurity
• Dietetics
• Logistics
• Economics
• Management
• Political Science
• Family Studies
• Fashion Design
• Financial Technology
• Tourism and Recreation
• German Philology
• International Relations
• Italian Studies
• Psychology
• Social Media and Digital Marketing
• Spanish Philology
• Sustainability Analytics and Audit

Engineer’s degree programmes:
• Computer Science (Informatics)

Master’s degree programmes:
• Economics
• Finance and Accounting
• Psychology
• Computer Science (Informatics)
• Correctional Rehabilitation
• Criminology and Forensic Science
• Energy Studies
• English Philology
• Sustainability Analytics and Audit
• Family Studies
• International relations and security
• Management
• MBA – International Business
• New Media and Public Relations
• Political Science
• Dietetics
• Logistics

Unified Master’s degree programmes:
• Pharmacy

Price range: from 2400 € to 9000 € per year.

Medical University of Silesia in Katowice

Specific information

Status: Public
City: Katowice
Year of establishment: 1948
University profile: Medical

The Medical University of Silesia in Katowice is one of the largest universities in the country. Currently, over 10,000 students are studying across 20 fields of study. The high quality of classes is guaranteed by a staff of over 1,500 academic teachers, who are esteemed both in Poland and abroad. SUM has 5 faculties and six clinical hospitals where students gain practical knowledge, as well as a newly established branch in Bielsko-Biała.
As part of its uniform master’s studies, first-cycle and second-cycle studies, conducted both full-time and part-time, the university provides students with high-quality education and the opportunity to conduct scientific research in the field of medical and health sciences.

Bachelor’s degree programmes:
• Midwifery
• Nursing
• Public Health
• Medical Biotechnology

Master’s degree programmes:
• Midwifery
• Nursing
• Public Health
• Medical Biotechnology
• Dietetics

Unified Master’s degree programmes:
• Medicine
• Medicine and Dentistry
• Physiotherapy
• Pharmacy

Price range: from 3100 € to 15100 € per year.

Lazarski University

Specific information

Status: Private
City: Warsaw
Year of establishment: 1993
University profile: Law and Administration, Economics and Management.

Lazarski University is one of the highest ranked private universities in Poland. Established by Ryszard Łazarski, from the very beginning it is considered at the top of the economy, management, law studies and administration.
Explore its educational offer with many programmes conducted in English (including two faculties: Economics and Managements as well as Law and Administration). Some of them are prepared in cooperation with a British University, enabling students to get double degrees.

Lazarski University is:
• experienced – established over 30 years ago, with a rich history dating back to the 1950s,
• trustworthy – they have educated over 43,000 of students (still counting),
• international – they educate students from all over the world, at least 50 different countries so far,
• recognised – numerous prestigious awards for the quality of education such as: U-Multirank, CEEMAN International Accreditation, Perspektywy magazine or Rzeczpospolita (press title) university rankings,
• business-oriented – they think about their students’ future by offering adventurous jobs, internships opportunities and also initiatives in which they can participate.

Bachelor’s degree programmes:
• Data Science in Economics
• Economics / (double degrees)
• Aviation Law and Professional Pilot Licence
• Finance
• International Relations / (double degrees)
• Law in International Relations and Business
• Management

Master’s degree programmes:
• Economics / (double degrees)
• International Relations / (double degrees)
• Management

Price range: from 4560 € to 28800 € per year.

Kozmiski University

Specific information

Status: Private
City: Warsaw
Year of establishment: 1993
University profile: Management and Finance


Kozminski University is a broad-based business school with academy status, recognized by the Financial Times international ranking as the best business school in Central and Eastern Europe. It also boasts three prestigious international accreditations: AACSB, EQUIS, and AMBA, which only 125 business schools worldwide have obtained.
The university was established in 1993 and is one of the oldest private universities in Poland. It educates 12,000 students, including undergraduate, postgraduate, MBA, and PhD students. So far, 70,000 people have graduated from the university.
Kozminski University offers students a fully pluralistic learning environment, based on the universal values of the Western world and the tradition of the European open university developed over a thousand years.
A critical determinant in shaping teaching programs is the constantly updated knowledge based on reliable scientific sources and its practical application.
The university implements the latest digital technologies, artificial intelligence, and Big Data into its teaching processes, educational programs, and university management. It adheres to the principle that technology should serve people, improve their efficiency and quality of life, and not deprive them of their personality or enslave them.

Bachelor’s degree programmes:
◦ Management
◦ Financial Management
◦ Management and Artificial Intelligence

Master’s degree programmes:
◦ Management
◦ Finance and Accounting
◦ Big Data Science

Price range: 7920 € per year.

Pol.-Jap. Academy of Information Technology

Specific information

Status: Private
City: Warsaw
Year of establishment: 1994
University profile: Computer Science, Information Management, Graphic Design and Multimedia Art.

The Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology was established in 1994 based on an agreement between the governments of the Republic of Poland and Japan. The high quality of education for specialists who can work creatively and with commitment in practical applications of computer techniques has always been and remains a priority for the university’s development. The university offers programs in the following fields: computer science, information management, graphic design and multimedia art, graphics, interior design, and cultural studies.

Bachelor’s degree programmes:
• Computer Science
• Information Management
• Graphic Design and Multimedia Art

Master’s degree programmes:
• Computer Science
• Graphic Design and Multimedia Art

Price range: from 5500 € to 6000 € per year.

University of Wrocław

Specific information

Status: Public
City: Wrocław
Year of establishment: 1702
University’s Profile: humanities and sciences.

The University of Wrocław is one of the eighteen state universities in Poland, based in Wrocław, educating in the field of Humanities and Sciences. You can find a wide range of different fields of science – from Humanities, Law and Social Sciences, to Biology, Chemistry and Geography, to Mathematics, Computer Science and Astronomy. In all its activities, the University of Wrocław is based on two basic values: truth and freedom of expression. The European character of the open and tolerant university is emphasized by its geographical and cultural location – on the Polish, Czech and German borderlands.
The mission of the University is to conduct and promote research of the highest world quality. The University has the title of Research University as the only university in Lower Silesia and one of ten in the country.

Vincent Pol University

Specific information

Status: Private
City: Lublin
Year of establishment: 1999
University’s Profile: Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty of Social Science

The Vincent Pol University is a non-public university in Lublin operating on the basis of the decision of the Minister of National Education.
Education takes place in the full-time and part-time form, at Master’s, Bachelor’s and Postgraduate studies. The university also organizes sign language courses and tour guide courses.
The modern school building is located in the Czechów district. The university has qualified teaching staff. The school has at its disposal cabinets of physiotherapy, kinesiotherapy, cosmetics, biomechanics, massage, chemical laboratory, tourism, hospitality, gastronomy, geography and IT laboratories.
There are recreational rooms at the university (gym, aerobics and trainer rooms, and general development exercise rooms). Students also have the opportunity to use the indoor swimming pool and the hall for sports games.
Since 2010, a modernly equipped Academic Physiotherapy Centre has been launched for physiotherapy students.
The university is registered in the Register of the Minister of Science and Higher Education under number 186. The university has the same rights as state universities.

Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa

Specific information

Status: Public
City: Czestochowa
Year of establishment: 1971
University’s Profile: Faculty of Humanities; Faculty of Science and Technology; Faculty of Social Sciences; Faculty of Law and Economics and Faculty of Art

The Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa was established as a result of the transformation of the Jan Dlugosz University of Humanities and Natural Sciences in Czestochowa. This momentous event for the entire academic community took place on June 1, 2023 and became possible thanks to an act of the Polish Parliament signed by the President of the Republic of Poland Andrzej Duda on May 1, 2023.
The University entered the academic year 2023/2024 with nearly 60 fields of study (offering first- and second-cycle studies, uniform master’s studies, including studies ending with the title of engineer and dual studies).

Certainly, it is worth emphasizing that the University has obtained the consent of the Ministry of Education and Science to launch a Medical Faculty (July 14, 2022) and to conduct recruitment for the first year of studies! Another important event affecting the expansion of the educational offer was obtaining permission to launch uniform master’s degree studies in the field of Pharmacy (8 May 2023).
Uniwersytet Jana Długosza w Częstochowie proponuje kandydatom i studentom blisko 35 form studiów podyplomowych oraz liczne kursy i szkolenia.

The potential and prestige of the University were significantly strengthened as a result of the announcement of the results of the evaluation and the high categorization marks obtained thanks to it. Out of 13 evaluated disciplines: 6 received category A, 7 received B+. This success made it possible to make efforts to change the name of the University, from the so-called “adjective” to “classical” University, which allowed the establishment of the Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa.

The University offers education at the Doctoral School in 13 disciplines: Chemistry, Philosophy, Physics, History, Linguistics, Literary Studies, Pedagogy, Musical Arts, Fine Arts and Art Conservation, as well as Legal, Health, Safety, and Physical Culture Sciences.
The Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa offers candidates and students nearly 35 forms of postgraduate studies as well as numerous courses and trainings.
The strength of the University is evidenced by its staff. In the academic year 2023/2024, the Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa employs over 740 people. This group includes about 480 academic teachers. Nearly 180 people are classified as independent research and scientific employees. Among them is a group of 64 people who are proud of their titular professor diplomas.

An important element of the perception and classification of each university is the international cooperation conducted by the University. In this case, the University can boast of rich achievements. So far, cooperation agreements have been concluded with research centres from several countries. The result is the exchange of staff, students and doctoral students. Bilateral agreements are implemented, and scientific research is jointly financed.
The university improves the quality of education. It equips students – future graduates – with the skills to find attractive employment. Students have the opportunity, m.in, to take advantage of free foreign language learning (including the so-called rare languages), they can study dual faculties (carried out in cooperation with employers) or improve their learning process using the latest methods, e.g. tutoring or on-line.

University of Agriculture in Krakow

Specific information

Status: Public
City: Krakow
Year of establishment: 1953
University’s Profile:

  • Faculty of Agriculture and Economics
  • Faculty of Forestry
  • Faculty of Animal Science
  • Faculty of Environmental Engineering And Surveying
  • Faculty of Biotechnology And Horticulture
  • Faculty of Production and Power Engineering
  • Faculty of Food Technology
  • Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

The University of Agriculture in Krakow is a public academic university, conducting specialized research and educational activities, covering the agricultural, food, forestry and environmental protection and shaping sectors, in all aspects of their functioning, i.e. natural, technical, social and economic. The University develops and disseminates knowledge, creates innovations conducive to achieving food security and climate neutrality, increasing the competitiveness of the economy based on biological materials and processes, enabling the undertaking of social and civilizational challenges.
The University of Agriculture is a European university, constantly improving its processes, predestined to have a special impact on the region of Central Europe. The University’s potential is used in research, implementation and teaching activities, based on cooperation with economic and social entities as well as state and local government administration units, as well as constantly developed international cooperation with leading academic centers of the European Union and the world.
By name Agricultural, the University educates staff not only for the needs of agriculture and forestry, but for the entire food economy and agribusiness sector, paying particular attention to acquiring knowledge on the basis of current scientific achievements, acquiring skills based on the use of the latest technical solutions and technologies in the education process, and shaping social competences, taking into account the dynamics, variability and diversity of civilizational changes. It also enables graduates to be creative and responsible members of society.
In its activities, it draws on the heritage and centuries-old tradition of the Jagiellonian University, where in 1890 agricultural education began at the academic level. A worthy intellectual model for our academic community is the patron of the University of Agriculture – Hugo Kołłątaj, a collaborator of the Commission of National Education, a great reformer of the Krakow Academy and a precursor of the creation of the Department of Agriculture.
Referring to tradition, the University of Agriculture fulfils the basic tasks of developing knowledge, raising the scientific level of employees and educating scientific staff and students with respect for academic values, in the spirit of responsibility for the ideas of humanism, freedom, tolerance, respect for ethical norms and creating attitudes of openness to people, knowledge and the world. Taking care of preserving the memory of scientists and teachers who contributed to the development of the University of Agriculture is the duty of present and future generations of employees, doctoral students and students of the University.

Radom Academy of Economics

Specific information

Status: Private
City: Radom
Year of establishment:1998
University’s Profile:

  • Faculty of Education
  • Faculty of Law and Administration

The Radom University of Economics allows students to gain knowledge in a comfortable way, using the latest solutions and technologies. The university currently has a complex of 6 well-equipped buildings with a total area of over 5,000m2. The whole is complemented by comfortable social infrastructure.
The Radom University of Economics is currently the largest and best-equipped teaching base among all non-public universities in the Radom region.
The university provides education at the level of first- and second-cycle studies. It also has a five-year, uniform master’s degree in preschool pedagogics, early school education, and law.

University of Engineering and Health

Specific information

Status: Private
City: Warszawa
Year of establishment: 2003
University’s Profile: Faculty of Medicine

The idea of establishing the university was born in 2000. The legal status at that time allowed for the establishment of a university under the Act of 27 June 1997 on Higher Vocational Schools. The university was established on November 4, 2003. By virtue of the obtained permit and entry in the register, the university provides education at the level of higher education.
The university strives to ensure that the study programs it creates and conducts correspond to a modern concept of education, assuming a better adaptation of the educational offer to the expectations of external and internal stakeholders of the university.
The continuous development of UEHW allows for flexible adaptation of the University to changing economic, technological or scientific conditions, hence the special mission of the University is to cooperate with the socio-economic environment in defining and implementing its tasks based on the philosophy of Total Quality Management.
The mission and vision of the University of Engineering and Health corresponds to the University’s strategy in terms of providing high quality education and in relation to the needs of the socio-economic environment, including the labour market.

Warsaw University of Business

Specific information

Status: Private
City: Warsaw
Year of establishment: 2001
University’s Profile: Faculty of Management, Faculty of Logistics, Faculty of Security

Warsaw University of Business is a private university which has been operating on the educational market for many years.
The WWSB University was founded in 2001 and since then has enjoyed unwavering student interest, offering candidates a rich and thoughtful offer of studies in several fields. Until 30 September 2017 the university operated under the name of the University of Business and Administration in Łuków.
From 1 October 2017, Warsaw has been the seat of the University, which changed the name to Warsaw University of Business. The University consists of three faculties: the Faculty of Management, the Faculty of Logistics and the Faculty of Security. The University offers the following fields of study: “Management” and “National Security” at the first- and second-cycle level, and “Logistics” at the first-cycle level. All fields of study are conducted in English and in Polish.
The Warsaw School of Business has the title of “Industry Entrepreneurship Innovator”, which is an innovative university, focused on the development of students in the field of broadly understood entrepreneurship.

DSW University of Lower Silesia

Specific information

Status: Private
City: Wroclaw
Year of establishment:1997
University’s Profile: College of Administrative, Security and Technical Studies, College of Social Communication and Media Studies, College of Pedagogical Studies, College of Psychological Studies

The DSW University of Lower Silesia is one of the most important academic centres in Wrocław and in the entire Lower Silesia region. Each year, it educates nearly 7000 students and postgraduate students.
The university is over 25 years old! Its story began in 1997. The founders were members of the regional branch of the Society for Universal Knowledge in Wrocław. The university of their dreams was different from the ones they knew. Open, allowing for the pursuit of scientific passions, creating a community of lecturers and students, friendly and ambitious.
Since the beginning of the university’s existence, the lecturers have been implementing a visionary plan to create a free and democratic school. Students are actively involved in this process. They actively influence the shape of the academic community, and during their studies they fulfill their own dreams and passions and develop their talents.
In the following years, they turned their dreams into a thriving educational center, which has a permanent and important place in Lower Silesia. In April 2023, thanks to high results in the evaluation of scientific activity, they became the DSW University of Lower Silesia in Wrocław. Continuously, every year for 18 years, it has been ranked first among private universities in Lower Silesia in the ranking published by “Perspektywy”.

University of Social Sciences in Warsaw

Specific information

Status: Private
City: Warsaw
Year of establishment: 2002
University’s Profile: Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Business, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Medicine

The Branch of the University of Social Sciences in Warsaw was established in 2002 and is one of the largest centers available to students. The university has an excellent didactic base located in the very center of Warsaw. Noticing the educational success of the University of Social Sciences in Łódź, a decision was made to establish a new branch in Warsaw. The new branch was created with a view to greater development of students living in the capital and its outskirts. An important aspect was the expansion of international cooperation and the education of students in accordance with the needs of the demanding labor market in Warsaw. Currently, the University of Social Sciences in Warsaw educates about 5000 students in 23 fields of study.
The University in Warsaw offers first- and second-cycle studies, uniform master’s studies, MBA studies, doctoral seminars and studies in English.

Helena Chodkowska University

Specific information

Status: Private
City: Warsaw
Year of establishment: 1992
University’s Profile: Faculty of Management and Logistics, Faculty of Engineering.

The Helena Chodkowska University of Technology and Economics thanks to its offer of technical, managerial and economic faculties is a unique university in the country, which focuses on practice, provides its students with a solid education, and a good start into their professional life.
The variety of the study offer, the high level of education, outstanding research and teaching staff and an attractive scholarship system are just some of the advantages of studying at the UTH.
The UTH campuses are a modern didactic base: 9000 m2 of space, comfortable lecture halls, language labs and computer laboratories equipped with the latest hardware and software. The rooms where lectures, conferences and seminars are held are fully air-conditioned and adapted for the disabled.
In the education process, the University uses its own research laboratories, where students carry out even the most complex laboratory tests with the use of modern equipment. Students have a unique opportunity to feel the atmosphere of real learning, allow them to demonstrate openness and creativity, and learn teamwork. The UTH laboratory base offers students the opportunity to acquire practical skills and prepares graduates to work in specialized positions requiring high professional qualifications.
The programmes are offered at Bachelor’s, Engineer’s, Master’s and Postgraduate levels.

Lodz University of Technology

Specific information

Status: Public
City: Lodz
Year of establishment: 1945
University’s Profile: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Electrical, Electronic, Computer and Control Engineering, Faculty of Chemistry, Faculty of Material Technologies and Textile Design, Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Technical Physics, Information Technology and Applied Mathematics, Faculty of Organization and Management, Faculty of Process and Environmental Engineering.

Lodz University of Technology is a place that combines scientific research with innovation at the European level. It creates new technologies and patents in cooperation with leading scientific centers around the world, leaders in science and business. It belongs to the elite group of universities with the largest number of grants in the prestigious program Horizon Europe. It’s actively involved in projects and various types of undertakings for sustainable development. Scientists from Lodz University of Technology are working on key solutions to global climate, energy and health challenges. This activity is reflected in the high position of the university in the THE Impact ranking, which evaluates the university’s activities in terms of the implementation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
As the first technical university in Poland, Lodz University of Technology received the HR EXCELLENCE IN RESEARCH logo. This increased its recognition and attractiveness of the European Research Area as a project partner. In the 2024 ranking of universities by the educational magazine “Perspektywy”, Lodz University of Technology ranks fifth among technical universities and eighth among public universities in Poland.

Poznan University of Medical Sciences

Specific information

Status: Public
City: Poznań
Year of establishment: 1950
University profile: Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Health Sciences

It’s one of the leading medical universities in Poland. For a century it has been educating specialists who professionally help and treat the patients. It focuses on modern didactic models. It carefully combines knowledge with practice.
Its complex of 5 clinical hospitals situated in Poznań gives students opportunities to study with outstanding professionals and provides a much-needed daily contact with the patients. There are about 8,000 students in 19 study programs.
This University is also a strong research center. It employs over 1,000 scientists, including almost 200 professors. Priority research areas are preventing cardiovascular diseases, fighting cancer, promoting active and healthy aging and metabolic programming. Every year, the university acquires about 40 new research projects from national and European research agendas. As an academic community, each year nearly 1,000 research papers are published in leading international scientific journals.

Wroclaw University of Economics and Business

Specific information

Year of establishment:1947
University profile: Faculty of Economics and Finance, Faculty of Management, Faculty of Production Engineering

The university is not only an important center of research in the field of economic sciences and management sciences, but also one of the largest schools of economics in the country and plays an important role in the education of economists, in scientific research and work for the economy. It is also an active partner in international scientific and didactic contacts.
The university’s scientific, research and didactic activities are carried out at three faculties and in the Branch in Jelenia Góra.
The educational offer includes 11 fields of study in Polish and 4 programs in English, a Doctoral School and Doctoral studies for foreigners.
The Wroclaw University of Economics has a rich and long-standing tradition of cooperation with business practice. University graduates can be found in almost all production and trading companies, banks, chambers and tax offices. They often hold managerial positions there. They also often successfully run their own business. They easily adapt to changing working conditions. Many graduates, including those from other universities, take advantage of the opportunity to complete their education at postgraduate studies at our university.

The School of Management and Banking

Specific information

Year of establishment: 1995
University profile: Faculty of Management, Finance and Computer Science

The school was established in 1995. It provides education in the fields of: Computer Science, Applied Computer Science, Management, Finance and Accounting, Logistics, Digital Marketing, Digital Entrepreneurship, Communication and Psychology in Business and Applied Computer Science. School also offers postgraduate studies, courses and trainings in accordance with the CISCO Academy and Microsoft AATP programmes.
Studying in Cracow, which is a university city, is a unique opportunity for our students to be in touch with great culture and science in one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. For full-time students, the opportunity to interact with peer students from 21 different universities in Cracow that have the total number of 172,840 students, as well as sports, entertainment, and meeting outstanding people provide an opportunity for intellectual advancement alongside their study programme. Many people studying at the School gain solid higher education, which results in quick professional success. Students of part-time programmes find many conveniences in this school (e-learning classes, convenient class timetable, easy communication with lecturers). The modern ICT structure puts the School at the forefront of Polish universities. All in all, WSZiB is a School worth studying at.

Poznań University of Economics and Business

Specific information

Status: Public
City: Poznań
Year of establishment: 1926
University profile: Institute of Economics, Institute of Socio-Economics, Institute of Finance, Institute of International Business and Economics, Institute of Informatics and Quantitative Economics, Institute of Marketing, Institute of Quality Science, Institute of Accounting and Finance Management, Institute of Management

PUEB educational offer takes account of global models of managerial education and the latest solutions in economic thought and business development. Being one of the oldest Polish universities of this kind, PUEB specializes in educating business leaders, highly qualified managerial staff, experts on economy, as well as employees of governmental and local government administration services.
Teaching curricula are strongly oriented on practice – they introduce students to models and tools allowing them to understand economic reality and make optimum economic decisions.
For more than 10 years, the University has been cooperating with prestigious companies from the entire Poland, as part of PUEB Partner Club. Business experts and practitioners signal the labour market needs and real challenges posed by the economy. They also share knowledge and experience during classes for students.

Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń

Specific information

Status: Public
City: Toruń
Year of establishment: 1945
University profile: Faculty of Biological and Veterinary Sciences, Faculty of Chemistry, Faculty of Earth Sciences and Spatial Management, Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management, Faculty of Fine Arts, Faculty of Health Sciences (Collegium Medicum), Faculty of History, Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Law and Administration, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Faculty of Medicine (Collegium Medicum), Faculty of Pharmacy (Collegium Medicum), Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics, Faculty of Political Science and Security Studies, Faculty of Theology.

Nicolaus Copernicus University offers undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate courses in over 149 fields of study, including 25 doctoral programmes and 5 doctoral schools. As a result of our internationalization policy, number of foreign students is constantly rising. We can boast over 900 inter-institutional agreements within ERASMUS + exchange programmme.
Nicolaus Copernicus University, as one of 10 Polish universities, was granted the status of a research university in the first competition of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education”Excellence Initiative – Research University”. The programme aims to select and support the best Polish universities, which will be able to compete successfully with foreign institutions in the coming years.
As the only university from Poland and one of ten European universities, the NCU is a member of the Young Universities for Future of Europe consortium.
Moreover, NCU was placed in several University Rankings such as ARWU, QS World University Rankings, U.S. News Best Global Universities. The above confirms high standards of education, as well as constant development.

Kielce University of Technology

Specific information

Status: Public
City: Kielce
Year of establishment: 1965
University profile: Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatic Control and Computer Science, Faculty of Environmental, Geomatic and Energy Engineering, Faculty of Mechatronics and Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Management and Computer Modelling.

In the Kielce University of Technology there are over 4,500 students enrolled in undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in 23 disciplines and more than 60 specialisms.
The University has the right to award the degree of doctor of science and technology in seven disciplines: automation and robotics, civil engineering, environmental engineering, electrical engineering, production engineering, mechanics, and mechanical engineering. It has also the right to award the degree of habilitated doctor of science and technology in three disciplines: mechanical engineering, civil engineering and electrical engineering. The Kielce University of Technology is an academic higher education institution offering first, second and third cycle programmes. Currently, the University employs 470 teaching staff. The University is situated on a large 22-hectare campus in the city centre. The University also has a 2.75-hectare satellite campus at Dąbrowa near Kielce with research and teaching facilities and administration offices of the Faculty of Mechatronics and Mechanical Engineering.

University of Ecology and Management

Specific information

Status: Private
City: Warsaw
Year of establishment: 1995
University profile: Faculty of Architecture and Faculty of Engineering and Management

It is one of the best technical-artistic non-public schools in Poland.
Since 1995 UEM continues to educate on full-time and part-time studies for bachelor, bachelor of science and master’s degrees.
All majors conducted at UEM that are accredited by Polish Accreditation Committee, have been awarded with a positive assessment and our Faculty of Architecture received positive institutional assessment of the quality of education.
The University of Ecology and Management is distinguished by an interesting and rich educational offer, which is emphasized by the number of economically and socially important fields of study. In this way the University responds to the needs of the labour market, innovative economy and civil society. Thanks to these factors, combined with a high level of education, the graduates of the University become important on the labour market, realize their professional goals and enjoy satisfactory earnings.
